Monday, December 30, 2019

The History and Future of Poverty Essay - 3716 Words

To understand our current sins of earth-savaging, overconsuming, and overpopulating, we have to look at facts that are, like the sun, too painful for our direct gaze. Instinctively we look away. Poverty The poverty of the poor is their ruin, says the Book of Proverbs. And the ruin is not just material. Poverty rapes and kills the spirit of the poor. We underestimate its complexity and cruelty. There are four dimensions of poverty: (1) Material limit. Poverty does mean a lack of material necessities. For the one billion people in absolute poverty, the most basic essentials are critically lacking and death is fastening its grip on them. Note, too, that fewer than 3 billion people could eat as we eat, i.e. on a North†¦show more content†¦Infants reach for hope starting with their birth and the infants of the poor already show with their eyes that there is no hope for them. Hunger and pain have already told them that their humanity does not count. The stripping of respect and hope from the poor is well systematized. Capitalism from its start had poverty in its train. Serfs in the feudal, pre-capitalist system did often have a kind of paternalistic social security. They were part of a unit that shared the essentials out of a kind of practical necessity. With the dawn of modern capitalism, the serfs were cast out to look for work and security. Capitalism had two choices from the beginning, either to correct its deficiencies and care for those who were cast out by the blind mechanisms of the market or to e mbark on the systematic vilification of the poor, implying that their plight was their own doing and not an indictment of the system. Capitalism embraced the second alternative with passion. The Statute of Laborers in 1349 in England made it a crime to give alms to the poor. In modern terms this meant cutting off welfare from these lazy drones who opted freely for idleness. This same spirit emerged in The Poor Law Reform Bill in England in 1834, which said explicitly that the main cause of poverty was the indiscriminate giving of aid which destroyed the desire to work. Again, there was nothing wrong with the system, only with those left out by the system. Of this 1834 bill PrimeShow MoreRelatedThe war on terrorism in Afghanistan has been the longest war in the history of the United States of1100 Words   |  5 PagesThe war on terrorism in Afghanistan has been the longest war in the history of the United States of America, the war that nobody wanted is finally coming to an end. Ever since the September 11th attack on the twin towers in the heart of New York, the United States has led a 13 year long war on terrorism in the war-torn country, Afghanistan. The ending of the war is a major turning point in the history of America and Afghanistan. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Types of Business Ownership - 1072 Words

The sole proprietorship is the simplest form of business organization. A sole proprietorship is a business that is owned by an individual who is solely responsible for all aspects of the business. The owner is personally responsible for all debts of the business, even in excess of the amount invested. The business and its owner are thus considered the same entity. The advantages of a sole proprietorship include: a. Low start up costs, as legal and filing fees are at a minimum. However, many states and cities require a filing with county clerk. b. Greatest freedom from regulation and paperwork. c. Owner is in direct control, with no interference from other owners. d. Taxes may be lower than for regular corporations. The†¦show more content†¦If the business fails or loses a lawsuit, the general creditors cannot attach the owners’ homes, cars and other personal property. Limited liability is the one major reason so many businesses are incorporated. b. Capital can be raised more easily than under other forms of ownership. This does not mean, however, that a new corporation can sell shares of stock easily. The sale of stock is highly regulated by both federal and state governments, and obtaining bank loans for a new business may be no easier for a new corporation than for a partnership or proprietorship. c. Ownership in a corporation is more easily transferable, this includes transferring shares to family members as gifts or otherwise, as well as selling your interest to some other person. However, in many small corporations it is advisable to put restrictions on transfer of shares, especially if the persons owning and working in the business must be able to work closely together. This is generally accomplished by stockholder agreements. The stockholder’s agreement is an agreement between a shareholder and the corporation. It may state, that the shareholder may not sell his shares for a specific period of time after acquiring them or that the shareholder must, under certain conditions, sell the shares back to the corporation. d. Since the corporation is an independent legal entity, it has a life of its own, or a continuous existence. It does not cease simply because one of the owners dies orShow MoreRelatedTypes Of Business Ownership And Ownership Essay1327 Words   |  6 Pages Types of Business Ownership Name Institutional Affiliation â€Æ' Business Ownership Introduction Business ownership refers to having control over a business enterprise and exercising this power by dictating its operations, functioning, and management. Ownership can be acquired either through franchising or purchasing an existing business. There are three types of business ownership, namely sole proprietorship, corporation, and partnership. A single entrepreneur can own several businesses underRead MoreTypes of Business Ownership1074 Words   |  5 Pagesgoverned by special laws. A proprietorship is a type of business entity which legally has no separate existence from its owner. Hence, the limitations of liability enjoyed by a corporation and limited liability partnerships do not apply to sole proprietors. All debts of the business are debts of the owner. The single proprietor has unlimited liability since creditors of his business may proceed not only against the assets and properties of his business but also after his own personal assets and propertiesRead MoreBusiness Types of Ownership993 Words   |  4 PagesBusiness Types of Ownership Before starting any venture it is very important to figure out how the organization is going to build its chain of command. Basically no business is made for short time and for this reason a very careful measurement should be done on ownership. 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Ownership:-The history of coca cola begin In 1892, Candler set out toRead MoreTypes Of Business, Purpose And Ownership Of Two Contrasting Businesses Essay1227 Words   |  5 PagesTASK-1 Describe the type of business, purpose and ownership of two contrasting businesses. (P1). 1. A brief introduction to the two local businesses? For profit business kokuyo camlin limited (Kokuyo camlin limited) Source: Introduction: kokuyo camlin ltd formerly known as camlin ltd is an Indian stationery company based in Mumbai india kokuyo japan holds around 51% stake in kokuyo camlin camlin manufactures art materials market

Friday, December 13, 2019

Computer Input and Output Free Essays

Other data is originally recorded in a form that is acceptable to the computer L] Magnetic ink character recognition (MICE) C] Optical character recognition (OCCUR) This approach is called SOURCE DATA AUTOMATION third basic way to enter data into the computer is to key it into an online key driven device. CIA fourth option permits data input in audible form, using a voice recognition unit. Input Options Source data Key to tape Machine Computer readable data OCCUR docs MICE Keyboard Terminals MICE, OCCUR units Card, tape, disk Units Chain Nell Voice Recognition CPU Output offers similar options. We will write a custom essay sample on Computer Input and Output or any similar topic only for you Order Now Information or data can be recorded on a permanent medium, such as paper, microfilm, or punched cards, or the information can be displayed on a television like screen or resented audibly. OUTPUT options Chain Nell print information Termini al Display Plot Computer Output Microfilm Microfilm Microfilm Im printer Card punch Unit Punch Cards Viewer Channels and Control Snits The control unit contains the logic circuitry and storage needed for the control of multiple 1/0 devices. The channel contains the logic circuitry and storage needed to monitor several 1/0 device control units and provide pathways to and from the CPU. Role of Channels and Control Control Units High Speed Control unit Low Speed Jinni 1/0 Devices Channels and Control Units The transfer of data between the 1/0 unit, he control unit, and the channel is serial, or one byte at a time. When this operation is performed, the CPU can process other data in primary storage. The CHIP halts processing just long enough to enter the data from the channel. The interruption of the program in process is very brief because all of the bytes from the channel are transmitted to primary storage at once-?in parallel. The transfer of data from primary storage to an 1/0 unit works in the reverse sequence. Smaller computers have only one channel; larger systems have many. Importance of the channels: 0 Easy to overlook, but without them CPU reference would be drastically reduced. C] The channel hardware and the operating system permit the multiprogramming that maximizes computer productivity. Without channels, there COUld be no time sharing or distributed processing, and batch processing would extremely slow and costly. SKYDIVER INPUT DEVICES Offline Skydiver Devices The most common input device was the keypunch machine. CLC The first key-to-tape and key-to-disk units used conventional magnetic tape reels and hard disks. Offline skydiver Machines Keypunch disk Punch Cards co Zion magnetic Tape Cassette Hard disk Floppy disk Reader Magnet ICC tape Cassette et ICC disk Floppy disk Magnetic tape cassette Contains 285 Ft. Of polyester. Data can be recorded at the density of 800 bytes per inch. Capacity: approximately 2000 punched cards. Floppy Disk Sizes: 5 1/4 inches and 8 inches in diameter. Capacity: 2000-8000 punched cards. KEYED MEDIA INPUT UNITS Card-reading and punching 0 Card reading speeds of 2000 per minute are not uncommon, but punching speeds are in the range of 100-250 per minute. C] Punched cards are used as turned around documents. Punched cards are also used to track materials as they flow through a plant or a distribution network. Floppy disk, Cassette, and Cartridge readers CLC Cassette, and Cartridge readers tapes are produced as a by-product of another operation Online skydiver devices TWO basic types of keyboard terminal: Displays output on a CRT C] Prints output on continuous paper form. Online skydiver devices CRT terminal- also called an ALPHANUMERIC DISPLAY TERMINAL and a VIDEO DISPLAY TERMINAL, is all – electronic, noiseless, and economical. C] Can display information very rapidly, filling the screen with characters much faster than the characters can be printed on the paper. Special features: CLC Color C] Reverse video 0 Blinking CLC Cursor L] Scrolling C] Paging C] Protected format Hard copy terminal – also known as TELEPROMPTER TERMINAL, is a terminal with paper output TWO basic categories of hardcopy terminal: C] Impact -? causes a print â€Å"hammer† to strike the paper to form the character Monomaniac – causes characters to be printed by means of some chemical or heat process, or by spraying the characters on the paper from an ink jet. How to cite Computer Input and Output, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Cialis Case Study free essay sample

What are the most relevant dimensions along which to segment the patient market for ED treatment (i. e. , what are the different ways you could divide it up)? Of the segments identified, which would you target initially with Cialis? With a potential total of 150M men worldwide (30M in the United States alone) suffering from medical Erectile Dysfunction, there is a wide range of factors identified as the potential causes: * Caused my other medications * Medical diseases Lifestyle factors (Smoking, Obesity, Alcohol) * Psychological effects (Stress, Depression are 20% of ED cases) * Age With the launch of Cialis, the focus should be put on targeting the two groups who can most benefit from the product in more than a single way. While solving the primary purpose of Cialis holds the key to the drug’s release and sustained success, the impact at release can have a greater impact to increase brand awareness. 50% of men between ages 40-70 suffer from ED, and this age bracket should be the primary target upon release. Unlike other segment groups who may be difficult to target such as those with Lifestyle factors involved, seeking out men in a particular age bracket is fairly straight forward. In addition, those with Psychological Effects also make up 20% of the market for ED medication, and the fear of interference with drug interactions is not nearly as high as those with Medical Diseases or ED caused by Medication itself. The positive effects being caused by successful sexual stimulation will also presumably positively affect stress and depression as well in these cases. It was evident in the United States by the end of the 2nd quarter 2002 that Viagra sales are not slowing down, with gross margins topping 90%. Pfizer employing more than 30,000 salespeople to push their products with a budget of over $100M for Viagra alone is testament to their focus on marketing. Part of the failure of their intense marketing is their seemingly inability to target their market effectively, as the following statistics show a weak point in their planning: Per every million medical patients who inquire about the use of Viagra: * 30,000 had untreated diabetes * 140,000 had untreated high blood pressure 50,000 had untreated heart disease Whether intentionally or not Pfizer seems to be marketing Viagra to the masses through their marketing machine, as opposed to targeting healthy adults who suffer from ED. In addition, after one year of treatment with Viagra only 25% of patients continue to refill their prescriptions. This may correlate to Viagra being a short-term fix with patients, as opposed to a true treatment of ED for an extended period of time. I would characterize the Viagra brand as being one in which the patients clearly are looking for a different alternative, but are simply overwhelmed by the Pfizer branding nd household name Viagra comes with at this point. Positioning: 3. What would be the most effective way to position Cialis in the marketplace, relative to its competitors? While Viagra was first to market and its total sales have been enormous, they are hampered by reports that 76% of ED patients would be open to a new treatment. While they continue to find more patients effectively, they are not able to keep them for extended periods of time. Levitra was released by Bayer an alternative to Viagra, but quite simply is to similar and reported a 2% decrease in sales in 2001, and a quarterly net-loss as well. While Levitra was thought to target a niche group of men with diabetes related illness, for which it was safer than Viagra, it did not materialize to creating its own segmented market. Cialis should be positioned as a ‘Game-Changer,’ and not so much as a competitor. While the two drugs share the common goal of treating ED, they accomplish it in a much different manner and Cialis should be touted as an upgrade from the first drug of its kind to enter the market in Viagra. Viagra Facts: * Effects last 4-6 hours after dosing * Higher doses taken Effects nullified if taken with high-fat meal leading to slower onset time Cialis Advantage * Up to 36 hours of effectiveness * Lower dosing * Not affected by food intake * Comparatively favorable safety profile * Not been linked to deaths Cialis marketing has to take these advantages into account when going to market by playing off of Viagra’s weaker effects and potentially less flexible use by the patients. Marketing Mix: 4. What marketing mix activities should accompany the launch of Cialis? a. What would be the most important message to communicate to the target patients? To physicians? To partners? The most important message to communicate is going to be that Cialis covers more ground than Viagra and Levitra do. It lasts longer, is taken in smaller doses, isn’t impact by food and timing, and has not been linked to any serious complications as Viagra has. Cialis lasts for up to 26 hours, as compared to 4-6 hours by its competition. The flexibility to not be forced into a small time to be intimate is a major marketing advantage. The facts say that more than 75% of Viagra users want a different option, and this is it. b. What medium would you use to reach each of these parties and what would your relative resource allocation be to each? Physicians feel that Viagra is a suitable option that they are comfortable with. As such, Cialis should make their primary method of marketing as having as much contact with the potential patients as possible through television and print advertising. The idea here would be to alert the patients that there is a new alternative out there and that it has major advantages over its predecessor. Creating inquiring patients to go to their doctors asking about Cialis should be the goal. At the same time, Cialis should not (And can’t afford) to attempt to duplicate Viagra’s allocation to send monstrous sales teams out to doctors to win them over through presentation. This works in part for Viagra because of Pfizer’s other products being industry mainstays, such as Lipitor. Cialis should allocate to inform doctors of their products in a limited manner through this method, but should rely on discounting initial prescriptions and offering sampling rebates through pharmacies in order to win business. With 75% of Viagra users looking for an alternative, letting them know that drug is now here and available is the approach that should be taken; as they will initiate their interest thereafter with their physicians. c. How would you price Cialis? (assuming no health care coverage) What type of promotions would you offer? Since ED medication has been primary labeled as a Quality of Life optional medication by insurance companies, the price of Viagra averages about $10 per pill. The chart below shows that the majority of people has to pay the full amount out of their pockets, or get some shared costs due to discounts, coupons, and very limited insurance coverage. Because ED is a long-term issue for most men, free samples extending up to a month’s worth of pills should be given for a first-time user. This is to both tap into Viagra’s patient base by taking the money out of the equation during the trial period, but also to garner the interest of new users of ED medication. I would Price Cialis at $15 a pill because of the competitive advantages it has over Viagra in most categories. While the common opinion may be to offer a â€Å"Clean Sweep† with a better product that is safer and costs less, it limits the future ability to maximize gross revenue. Cialis is the better product and should be marketed as such in every way. Competitive Response 5. What competitive response do you anticipate from Pfizer? From Bayer-GlaxoSmithKline? Bayer’s Levitra will respond to this by attempting to be an intensely niche-based medication, strictly for men with Diabetes complications. It would be unwise with their already limited patient base and financial limitations to try to complete as a full player in this competition. They may be better off simply conceding in most aspects and targeting that patient base through physician education. Viagra will no doubt unleash their $100M + marketing machine to keep their market share and their Number One spot with physicians. With their past experience using celebrities to sell their product, more of the same should be expected; and should not be duplicated by Cialis. While Cialis should battling to be the alternative, Pfizer will be expected to advertise as if there is no alternative to Viagra worth speaking about.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Mind Over Mass Media critique free essay sample

In the article, â€Å"Mind Over Mass Media†, published in 2010 in The New York Times, Steven Pinker, a Psychology professor at Harvard, discusses how new technologies can impact our brain. He also replies to the common critics about them. According to Pinker, new technologies have always scared people and this fear seems to be recurrent in the history. However, the author points out that despite those fears, the world is still running and great developments have been made, particularly in the scientific field. According to him, new technologies change the way we think as every experience we encounter in our life and we should not be afraid of them because they are not changing our brain fundamentally. People should also learn how to prevent themselves from the addictive drift of social media. Although Pinker provides interesting ideas and developments, he seems to only fly over the effects of new technologies in our societies and his paper is lacking credible studies and logical arguments. We will write a custom essay sample on Mind Over Mass Media critique or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In his article, Pinker develops some interesting points. One of those points demonstrates that people have been scared by technologies since for a long time only to after later use them daily and realize how useful they were. Indeed, even the â€Å"technologies† that we today consider as normal tools were suspicious for many people in the old time. For example, Plato (-V °c before J-C) was afraid of the writing in the Antique Greece, assuming that people won’t make the effort to remember facts. In the same way, Pinker cites examples of comic books and video games fears, new media that are today completely and normally integrated in our way of life. Pinker is demonstrating insightfully that despite those fears, people did not stop thinking. This argument sounds logical and is interesting, supporting well his ‘pro-technologies’ position. However, some points of this paper seem to be based only on opinions and lack of credible source or even logic. When Pinker says â€Å"cognitive neuroscientists roll their eyes when Internet’s critics cite researches showing how â€Å"experience can change the brain†, he forgets to give to the readers a proper name or study supporting this idea. The anecdote with Woody Allen about War and Peace is devoid of logic and brings more confusion than support to Pinker’s ideas. Finally, when Pinker provides a credible source, the book of the psychologists Chabris and Simons, he reads it inconsistently. This book shows how training in one field help to be better in it, but only in it. Pinker assumes that it will be the same for technologies. Yet, new technologies and particularly Internet are not another medium, or science. Internet is more powerful than the latters, Internet is creating a completely new dimension of relations between human and is impacting all the area of society in a way that has never be seen before. Finally, studies show that Internet is changing our brain abilities, unlike what Pinker writes. Sparrow (2011) demonstrates that Internet attenuates and weakens our memory capacities. Cash (2012) explains that Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD), coming from a considerable use of Internet, cause  « neurological complications, psychological disturbances, and social problems.  » Those studies prove that Internet is completely changing the way we use our brain and when Pinker simply suggests to turn-off our phone to get rid of addiction, it is difficult not to smile as we all know how difficult it is a human being to change a process when it is already implemented in our behavior. Despite some ideas that Pinker puts well in perspective, hehis writing lacks of logic and supportive points to really prove that new technologies are not doing any harm to our societies. More decisive arguments could have helped his ideas. One can also point out that it is difficult to have a precise opinion on new technologies as they are always renewing and changing. Perhaps in a few years, it will be easier to look at them accurately with more data and studies.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Culture, Not Race, Explains Human Diversity

Culture, Not Race, Explains Human Diversity 1ASOCIADO INDEPENDIENTEBIENVENIDO Por favor, apague su tel ©fono m ³vil. Tome asiento. La presentaci ³n empezar ¡ pronto.2ASOCIADO INDEPENDIENTEHoy le hablar © sobre la compa ±Ã‚ ­a Herbalife, desde los comienzos 33 a ±os atr ¡s, hasta el presente. Tambi ©n se le presentar ¡n historias testimoniales sobre los productos Herbalife ® y la Oportunidad de Negocio. Escuchar ¡ hablar a personas con gran entusiasmo sobre sus productos favoritos, o historias de  ©xito, los productos de nutrici ³n Herbalife ® no est ¡n destinados a diagnosticar, tratar, curar ni prevenir ninguna enfermedad. Simplemente brindan una buena nutrici ³n para el cuerpo y las historias que escuchar ¡n se basan sobre afirmaciones aprobadas sobre los productos. Si el cuerpo se nutre bien, reacciona bien. En cuanto a la Oportunidad de Negocio, algunos Asociados Independientes tal vez compartan informaci ³n sobre los ingresos de sus negocios independientes Herbalife. Sin embargo, esos ingresos corresponden solamente a estos individuos y no al promedio. Si desea informaci ³n sobre el desempe ±o financiero promedio, la puede encontrar dentro de la secci ³n "Negocio" en Aunque empiece a medio tiempo o por tiempo completo, su  ©xito depender ¡ de cu ¡nto esfuerzo y dedicaci ³n le ponga a su trabajo para conseguir los resultados que se proponga. Como todo en la vida, se trata de trabajar duro y con honestidad.  ¡Empecemos!3ASOCIADO INDEPENDIENTEà ¢Ã‚€Â ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã‚€Â ¯ Norteam ©rica tiene uno de los  ­ndices m ¡s altos del mundo de obesidad entre losadultos. La combinaci ³n de una mala dieta y poca actividad f ­sica son las primeras causas de la obesidad.1à ¢Ã‚€Â ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã‚€Â ¯ La ciudad promedio en Norteam ©rica tiene un  ­ndice de obesidad del 30% o m ¡s, lo que significa que AL MENOS 1 DE CADA 3 PERSONAS ES OBESA.2à ¢Ã‚€Â ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã‚€Â ¯ Las personas en Norteam ©rica, generalmente no cocinan sus comida s ni se sientan a cenar junto a sus familias como lo hac ­an hace 20...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The French government remains a good European. However, French voters Essay

The French government remains a good European. However, French voters have become increasingly Eurosceptic. Discuss - Essay Example A soft Eurosceptism can be explained as where activists are not against European assimilation or membership in EU and would advocate that national interest should be given primary priority. (Taggart and Szczerbiak 2002:7). The word â€Å"skeptic â€Å"originates from the â€Å"skeptikos† Greek word which connotes inquiring and thoughtful in a normal sense, as contrasted to easy acknowledgement of debates by others. According to Webster’s dictionary, the word ‘skeptic† refers to an individual who normally questions, doubts or argue against the judgment on issues normally accepted. In other words, skepticism reminds of a philosophical canon that the truth of all wisdom must always be in doubt and that post-mortem or inquiry must be a process of doubting. Hence, Euro-skepticism or Eurosceptic can be explained as an everlasting suspicion of â€Å"Europe† as a great project, an opposition about integration of Europe, which is visualised as construction of a powerful and new political mediator in the global arena, a European Europe â€Å"that would establish a new power in a multipolar world as contrasted to the contemporary American- overshadowed unipolar setup. It is to be noted that Eurosceptic concept is not against what they visualise as pragmatic advantageous cooperation among various interests of European nations for greater prosperity and peace. However, mainstream Eurosceptic is antagonistic to the concept of attempting to establish a European –level power, i.e. a â€Å"European Europe â€Å"that would have its own provincial interests. (Tiersky 2001: 3). European Community came into the existence with France being one of the founding members of that community, and it is difficult to visulaise European integration without the presence of France and its leadership. However, France is a nation with vibrant nationalistic feelings, with long annals of

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

PMF Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

PMF - Essay Example New opportunities – Every business has to constantly look out for ways it can expand the base of its customer. Therefore, new opportunities are created by use of better communication skills especially in writing or else this can limit oneself the chance for success. Effects of changing the framework - this enables an organization to allow adjustments, and respond to changes made on objectives, of the organization. Participation in management change and process improvement projects and initiatives. As well as providing recommendations to develop and enhance existing systems and controls. Determining data systems and process solutions that addresses business needs, and enhancing developed methods for implementation. How these activities have prepared me for a PMF position with the Federal Government? From these activities, my day to day skills on management are enhanced through a significant understanding of the business strategy. My increased knowledge in business has enabled m e to be better equipped when dealing with complicated business management. There is a great enhancement on my ability to manage, motivate and lead other workers. Through the projects, working with the federal government can help gain valuable consultation designed particularly for its needs. These activities have offered me the exposure to various federal departments through a position at PMF. I have the opportunity to make connections with mentors of a senior level. The different projects I indulged in have prepared me psychologically to deal with more challenging tasks imminent in a PMF position. The leadership roles prevalent in the special projects have enhanced and prepared me to demonstrate my leadership ability and potential once I have become a PMF. I am at a better position as a budget analyst to work on several projects that I could not get access to while on the leeway. The business financial matters are important in a PMF position hence as a business analyst my capabilit ies will form a basis in solving financial matters eminent in the business industry. How I have demonstrated my commitment to public service? It is such an inspiration for me to work for the public service as I am willing to commit myself and serve my country as well as my fellow citizens. I have always desired to work in the public service especially for the government as I see it like a privilege to use my skills and help other people. This commitment developed into a career path when I was on internship at Clothing and Textiles Company whereby I created the annual budget plan of 2012 for the company, which was successfully approved by the board of trustees and the CEO was amazed by what I had structured as well. To start with, I ensured that I have followed a well structured idea of the duties a budget analyst should perform. I had to ensure that every department adhered in accordance with the company’s procedures and policies. I saw to it that the company’s managem ent was provided with a good analysis regarding budgetary issues and ensured the financial data was readily available for the company’s decision making. I made sure that the estimation of the budget was adequate and reasonable at the same time. I developed policies and guidelines which would help govern the maintenance of using these budgets. From time to time I conducted

Monday, November 18, 2019

Quality Parts Case Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Quality Parts Case Analysis - Essay Example The manager of Quality Parts Company is aiming to do precisely that by planning to appoint three inspectors to clean up the quality problem. She also contemplates adding a setting up a rework line to speed repairs. This is a disastrous idea that piles up the cost element of manufacturing. It also compromises on quality in the first place because when a new line for rework is added to the works the attention of the workers would be slanted more towards rework instead of a perfect first attempt manufacture. In forecasting demand, two methods can be applied- the push effect got as a result of demand forecast or the "pull" effect as Kanban exemplifies. The actual demand of the consumers is calibrated and production done accordingly. Kanban best suits a condition when the supply time is prolonged and the supposed demand is rather difficult to predict; the production then has to be done in response to the consumer's demand or 'pull'. Adoption of this methodology will cut down on the inventory costs because goods are procured as and when there is a pull by the consumer. The production facility becomes Just in time. The production process starts at the instance of a product being sent out of the factory. So, the process is upstream. Quality parts system makes basic errors in maintaining quality. ... The production process starts at the instance of a product being sent out of the factory. So, the process is upstream. Quality parts system makes basic errors in maintaining quality. As pointed earlier, the repair work or a separate rework line defeats the concept of quality management especially six sigma. In total quality management minimization of defects at the production stage is given more importance. The second most important thing is the manager's proposed idea of keeping "skids filled". This idea is in total contrast to the Just in time attainment of raw materials as professed in the kanban theory. (Chase-Jacobs-Aquilano, "Operations Management for Competitive Advantage, 2005, Operations_Management_Ch12.doc) Automatically ordering of inventory will not take into account the goods already manufactured, dispatched, in production and demand for future products. Getting and storing inventory will not only add to the cost of storage but defeats the logic of upstream production. High scrap rate: As evinced in the example, the scrap rate is nearly 10% that means 1 in 10 items produced are scrapped. This is an awesome waste considering the manpower and money involved. The high rise shelving inside the factory does not allow for grouping of similar tasks and interaction among teams of related work. The chain of uninterrupted production is disrupted and at times even broken. Grouping tasks: The bright thing to do incase of assembly line setup of manufacturing goods is to have people, procedures and equipments needed for similar tasks to be kept at proximity. It is a wonderful idea to do would be to place teams performing successive operation close to each other or near each other. This would reduce the physical

Friday, November 15, 2019

New Zealands Government Drug Policy

New Zealands Government Drug Policy HOW THE EXISTING POLICY STARTED AND HOW IT WORKS New Zealand Government’s drug policy was enclosed in the National Drug Policy 2007 – 2012. This policy was first approved in 1998 to give direction for drug policy in Aoteoroa New Zealand as a whole. Within the framework provided by this policy, local government, non- government agencies and organizations that are part of the drug and alcohol sector developed their respective programs and set priorities. The National Drug Policy admits that drug use is mainly a health issue; therefore it should be addressed through health- based actions. New Zealand Drug policy was also created based on the principle of harm minimization. The main goal of NDP is to minimize the economic, social and health harms due to misuse of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. In addition, the update of the National Drug Policy was built on the existing method (the three pillars) adapted by the government such as reducing demand, helping people with drug and alcohol problems and controlling drug supply. Significantly, the drug policy will also allow a larger support which will be given to the families and communities of those who misuse drugs as well as for children affected by alcohol and drugs living in households (Ministry of Health, 2013). ALCOHOL AND DRUG USE IN AOTEAROA NEW ZEALAND Existing research shows that drug use is high in Aotearoa New Zealand compared to other countries, predominantly for amphetamine, new psychoactive substances and cannabis. Alcohol is also considered by far the most significant leisure drug in New Zealand, when it comes to widespread use and misuse. Recent surveys shows that 95% of adult New Zealanders (aged 16- 64 years) also outlined drug related harm, drug use and had consumed alcohol at some point of their lifetime. This includes recreational drug use aside from tobacco and alcohol, together with prohibited drugs and drugs that are used for illegal purposes like diverted pharmaceuticals. Furthermore, almost half or 49% of all respondents had used any drugs for recreational purposes at some stage of their lives, roughly 1,292,700 people (Ministry of Health, 2010). The New Zealand government has responded to these issues of drug use by presenting different approaches that attempt to diminish drug use and other drug related harms. The first National Drug Policy in New Zealand covered the period 1998- 2003, since then it continuously provides guidance for the governments’ activities through to 2006. During that time, the National Drug Policy in collaboration with other government agencies and the Ministry of Health, reviewed the existing program until, the second National Drug Policy was implemented comprising the period 2007- 2012. OBJECTIVES AND THREE PILLARS OF THE NATIONAL DRUG POLICY New Zealand’s National Drug Policy presents Governments’ policy and legislative aims for alcohol, tobacco and prohibited drugs. The policy was built on the value of harm minimisation which covers a broad and combined approach to minimising the impairment or injuries caused by drug use comprising of the three ‘pillars’. First is the Supply control that aims to regulate and limit the availability of drugs. Second is the demand reduction, which involves a wide variety of activities that will restrict the use of drugs of individuals, which also includes abstinence. Lastly, the problem limitation which will reduce the harm that arises from existing drug use. The National Drug Policy makers believe that there is a wide range of harm linked with how drugs are being use and that there is no single strategy or tactic that can address the problems instead, a continuum plans are needed. This will require an improvement of a particular plan that is not just receptive, but also culturally suitable in addressing the necessities of Maori, Young and Pacific people provided the over representation of these groups in terms of many drug related problems THE POLICY MAKERS AND INTEREST GROUPS THEY REPRESENT The Minister of Health and the Chair of the Ministerial Committee on Drug Policy (MCDP) (National Drug Policy, 2007) in collaboration with other Ministerial colleagues, The (IACD) or Inter- Agency Committee on drugs and Expert Advisory Committee on Drugs (EACD) are the policy makers of NDP. As mentioned above, there is a wide range of issues concerning drug and alcohol usage in New Zealand. The NDP is one way of ensuring that these organizations that are involved in these issues take constant action in addressing them. In the past and even today, NDP primarily focuses or represents specific groups such as Maori, Pacific People and Young New Zealanders. Migrants in New Zealand are also considered as contributory factor because every community group has its own habits, attitudes and beliefs that can be very different from those of New Zealand’s culture and mainstream society. (Ministerial Committee on Drug Policy, 2007) BEHIND THE POLICY, STRATEGIES AND ACHEIVEMENTS The Ministry of Health, in association with other government and non-government organizations have their respective role on how to reduce and prevent harm caused by alcohol and other drugs. The NDP brings these diverse range of people, different agencies and stakeholders to work in partnership to be able to develop interventions, mechanism and right approach for the development of the policy. The publication of the first National Drug Policy in 1998, was also the release of several other significant national alcohol and drug policies, plans and strategies over the past years, such as National Strategic Framework for Alcohol and Drug Services in 2001, The National Alcohol Strategy in 2001 (NAS), Action Plan on Methamphetamines in 2003, The Action Plan on Alcohol and Illicit Drugs in 2004, In 2005 the Te Tahuhu (Mental Health and Addiction Plan), The Te Kokiri (Mental Health and Addiction Action Plan) in 2006 and the release of the second National Drug Policy in 2007 ( Ann Flintoft, 2008). Since the release of the first NDP there have been several significant achievements as well, these includes, the founding of the National Drug Policy Discretionary Grant Fund in 2004 which provides pool of funding research for latest projects to fill up gaps in all drug policy work. Aiming to provide funding for high cross- departmental projects, for a quick response to changes in current and developing drug trends. Alcohol Advisory Council (ALAC) with the primary objective of promotion and encouragement of moderation in the liquor use, reduction and discouragement of the misuse of liquor and minimization of the economic, social and personal harm that emanated from misuse of liquor, with the aim of change for all New Zealanders drinking culture. Community Action on Youth and Drugs (CAYAD) is a national project which involves partnership with communities, aiming to decrease harm to young people/ families/whanau from illegal drugs and alcohol. Smoke-free Environments Amendment Act 2003 , an amendment from the Smoke-free Environment Act of 1990, banned tobacco from buildings, school grounds, even licensed premises such as bars, sports clubs, cafes, restaurants and other workplaces became smoke-free indoors. Restrictions to the displays of tobacco products in retail outlets and further restrictions of access for those under age 18, herbal smoking products also has been banned under this act (Ministerial Committee on Drug Policy, 2007). KEEPING WHAT WORKS AND MAKING IT BETTER, TOWARDS A NEW DIRECTION We commend the Ministry of Health and all the policy makers of the NDP on their robust focus on reducing inequalities in the recent NDP. We believe that addressing the social determinants of health and reducing harm should continue to be the main principle of the National Drug Policy. We also applaud their past and recent achievements and support their plans by building on and just updating the policy from the previous NDP rather than changing it. In the previous policy, it focuses on interventions for those who are alcohol and drug users. It cannot be denied that this has been important for alcohol and drug user prevention with good effect for the broader community. However, we strongly believe that this policy can be updated for the better. We do believe that the existing policy is good, but it would be an advantage or would be better if the next National Drug Policy will expand or develop its definition of â€Å"harm† to give a greatly importance on the harm that other drugs and alcohol cause to the others aside from the users itself. The outdated National drug Policy focuses on prevention and reduction of harm between people who are alcohol and drug users. However, policy makers should also focus or give importance to communities, families and society that are greatly affected by the harm triggered by alcohol and drugs misuse, which can be in a form of ensuring that the involved groups (communities, families and soc iety) are protected by the policy. Furthermore, we also recommend that the new policy would focus more on the â€Å"outcomes† rather than just mentioning or educating people/society about certain substances and how to properly use these substances. The policy makers may talk or may emphasize about the ideal outcome for people and societies, such as aiming on reducing people’s access to cannabis and also try to decrease the number of young people being expelled from school because of drugs and alcohol violations. Lastly, we do support that the new policy uphold the principle of harm minimization and the three pillars of demand control, problem limitation and supply reduction. We believe that the existing structure is well aligned to what other countries do and guarantees that it is suitable for the purpose of reducing harm in New Zealand. References: Ministerial Committee on Drug Policy (2007). The National Drug Policy. Retrieved from Ministry of Health (2013) The National drug Policy. Retrieved from Ann Flintoft (2008), How Good is New Zealand’s Alcohol and Drug Policy?. Addiction Treatment Research News, Volume 12. Retrieved from At the heart of the matter. NZ Drug Foundation. Reshaping New Zealand’s Alcohol and other Drug Policy. Retrieved from

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Diesel Hybrid Combustion Engine Essay -- Auto Cars Automobiles Mec

The Diesel Hybrid Combustion Engine Two main types of engines powering everyday machinery are diesel and gasoline internal combustion engines. Both vary on efficiency levels, but are still effective. Diesel engines have high efficiency levels, such as producing great amount of torque at very low rpms. They are also known for their fuel-efficient behavior and capability to produce low emissions. Their capability to produce power at an efficient rate with little wear on the engine, this makes these engines ideal for hybrid integration. Hybrid integration takes a typical engine and combines it with an electric generator and motor, with the application of other electrical systems applied. Allowing the machinery to generate energy, with lower fuel consumption and cleaner emissions. Toyota is one of the leaders in the automobile hybrid design. The design goes as follows, â€Å"a VVT-I gas engine with an advanced electric motor to not only power the Prius, but also recharge the vehicle's batteries thanks to an ingenious generator and regenerative braking system†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Toyota). This regenerative braking system allows absorption of the heat energy used to brake and uses that energy to recharge the cars batteries. This system makes the car self-reliant. Even though this engine uses gasoline, the development of diesel hybrids will be the next step in innovation. Comparison: One of the main areas is the on-board fuel combustion of these engines. In tests performed by MIT, the relative consumption of on-board fuel energy for a typical gasoline internal combustion engine measured about 88%, while the Diesel-Hybrid was at 52% (Weiss 27). These tests demonstrate how much more ene... .... Design News (19 August 2002): 1-5. Peckham, Jack. â€Å"Diesel Hybrids Come Out Best In Energy, Greenhouse Gases†. Diesel Fuel News (16 April 2001): 1-2. Peckham, Jack. â€Å"Diesel Hybrids Bus Beats CNG On Key Criteria†. Diesel Fuel News (29 October 2001): 1-2. Siuru, Bill. â€Å"Hybrid’s working on the railroad: Green Goat electric switching locomotive shows promise of hybrids for rail; can be powered by diesels or microturbines†. Diesel Progress North American Edition (December 2002): 1-3 Toyota Prius. Toyota Corporation (multiple locations). Weiss, Malcolm A., Heywood, John B., Schafer, Andreas., Natarajan, Vinod K. â€Å"Comparative Assessment of Fuel Cell Cars†. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Laboratory for Energy and the Environment (February 2003): 1-29.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Environmental Analysis Paper Essay

Hospitality is one of those lines of business paths that are widespread. In Australia, Brisbane hotel provides a broad assortment of properties-budget, trade, tourist, lavishness, bed and breakfasts and apartments lodging. Moreover, Holiday City Brisbane hotels offer comfort, excellence and enormous worth for the money, perfect for leisure time and commerce travelers. This paper seeks to examine the environmental analysis of Brisbane hotel in Australia. (Higham, 2005, p. 98) 1. Industry Analysis On the foundation analysis unaccompanied, Brisbane market appears to be a suitable market for an augment in lodging supply. On the other hand there are a number of other considerations such as access to capital, augmented building and labour outlay. (Addis, 2006, p. 103) Brisbane is situated on the eastern coast; it is the capital of Queensland-Australia’s head of state tourist area. It is Australia’ best ever growing city region in South East Queensland and occupies 1,140 square kilometers. (King, 1997, p. 88) For a property shareholder, a significant indicator of hotel viability will be value versus building cost. Hotel values have not kept rate with the enlargement in building costs. See more: how to write an analysis of a research paper Hotel values sky rocketed in 1997 before moribund to a cyclical low of $161K per room in 2001. Building costs on the other hand have augmented each year, moribund only marginally in 2001 in reaction to the worldwide financial downturn. (Garling, 1991, p. 100) The low point of hotel values were 62 per cent of building costs and even as they have augmented by around 10 per cent per annum over the last five years double the rate of building costs, the expansion gap is still 20 per cent at present. This gap will differ across the cities of Australia. (Kohen, 1995, p. 90) The porter’s five forces model is a straightforward tool that supports premeditated understanding where authority lies in an industry situation. It also helps to comprehend both the strength of Brisbane existing cutthroat position, and the potency of a position Brisbane is in search to move into. Regardless of the fact that the five force structure focuses on commerce concerns rather than community policy, it also emphasizes comprehensive rivalry for value to a certain extent than just competition amongst existing rivals. (Freeland, 1968, p. 115) The innovative cutthroat forces model as projected by Porter acknowledged five forces which would impact on an organization’s performance in a cutthroat market. These include the following: (Swaffer, 2002, p. 102) i) The Degree of Rivalry The degree of rivalry, which is the most noticeable of the five forces in the hotel industry, helps decide the extent to which the value fashioned by a business will be dissolute through head to head contest. (Cunill, 2006, p. 78) Perth has overtaken Brisbane as Australia’s number one hotel bazaar after having strengthened its bazaar leader position all through each quarter during 2007 to record the uppermost Revenue Per Available Room (RevPAR) expansion, highest ADR expansion and uppermost tenancy result (82. 5%) for the full year. (Richards, 2006, p. 120) Hotel section analysis in the three main markets of Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane reveal that 5-star hotels are driving the sturdy bazaar performance. All the three cities recorded twofold figure RevPAR expansion during 2007 which is higher than the lower-tier segments. (Jamieson, 2006, p. 115) ii) The Threat of Entry Both the prospective and obtainable competitors influence standard business productivity. The threat of new entrants is frequently based on the bazaar entry barriers. They can take varied forms and are used to avert an influx of firms into a business at any time profits attuned for the cost of capital goes up above zero. (Higham, 2005, p. 104) The most widespread forms of entry barriers include: economies of scale, cost of entrance such as investment into expertise; distribution channels such as ease of admission for competitors; cost compensation not connected to the size of the corporation and government legislation. (Swaffer, 2002, p. 105) In a cutthroat market, all firms fabricate a standardized product. This means the goods presented by a variety of sellers are mainly identical. Since competition is based exclusively on the price, and the merchandise is homogenous, it then follows that buyers will buy from whoever’s product is cheapest, and this is also applicable in the hotel industry in the sense that tourist will choose to check inn to a hotel which they are comfortable with the price; therefore each producers is requisite to take up the least-cost method of fabrication and all surplus profits and losses will in the long run be abolished by entrance to, or exit from the business. (Addis, 2006, p. 108) Australia is in threat of becoming a lattice exporter of tourists in 2008 as strong expansion in outbound travel outpaces inbound tourist arrivals. The recently released Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Overseas Arrivals and Departures data reveals that arrivals have exposed some revival in the primary two months of 2008 (up 1. 7%), outbound travel has augmented by a staggering 14. 5%. (King, 1997, p. 94) The major competitor of Brisbane hotel is Sydney. However this was in the past. Sydney attracts a broad range of commerce events, and these proceedings tend to be larger than regular. Whereas the National Business Events Study (NBES) establish that New South Wales hosted 27 percent of the entire meetings in Australia in 2003, this represented 40 percent of the entire delegates. In terms of standard occasion size, Sydney hosted the biggest proceedings (roughly 162 delegates per event), followed by the Gold Coast (102), Melbourne (96), Adelaide (92), the ACT (89) and Perth (80). (Jamieson, 2006, p. 123) Nevertheless, this position is being windswept as other States are attracting an escalating percentage of intercontinental trade proceedings delegates. Queensland is to some extent differently positioned. Because of its chief coastal resort cities, it has key conference amenities at Cairns and the Gold Coast, as well as Brisbane. When these three locations are taken jointly, it reveals that in the mid-nineties they jointly held only about half as numerous meetings as Sydney. Ever since, their position has augmented considerably and in the epoch 2003-2005 they held about as several meetings as did Sydney. (Swaffer, 2002, p. 110) iii) The Threat of Substitutes A threat from substitutes exists if there are substitute products with inferior prices of improved performance parameters for the equivalent function. They could potentially draw a momentous proportion of bazaar volume and for this reason reduce the possible sales volume for existing troupe. This category also relates to balancing products. The threat of substitution is also influenced by switching costs such as retraining, retooling and redesigning that are incurred when a consumer switches to a dissimilar kind of product or service. (Higham, 2005, p. 111) Brisbane hotel faces the barricade of cost of setting up such as renting or owning building and licensing faced by new-fangled entrant. Even though firms in a monopolistically cutthroat market do face a low barrier to entry, the firms vend differentiated products, therefore causing new-fangled firms harder to be recognized. For example; Pier Nine Oyster Bar and Seafood Gril in Brisbane is a well-liked seafood restaurant. It then follows that a new seafood restaurant may have intricacy attracting clientele because of Pier’s recognized reputation. (Addis, 2006, p. 114) iv) Buyer Power Buyer power is one of the two level forces that control the misappropriation of the value fashioned by Brisbane hotel industry. The most imperative determinants of buyer power are the size and the attention of clientele. Other factors are the degree to which the buyers are well-versed and the attention of the competitors. (Jamieson, 2006, p. 130) Brisbane hotels come in all the shapes and sizes one would expect from Australia’s third biggest city-the enormous names like Hilton, Marriott and Sheraton are all there, all along with loads of self-governing establishments which vary from extremely quirky to absolute dirty. Similar to any bed where you relax your head, you acquire what you disburse for. Moreover, at the cheaper end of the range, a flawlessly contented room in an essential visitor hotel in the heart of the city like the Nomads will place you back about $80 a night at reserve rates, whereas a two bedroom suite in the historical 5 star Conrad Treasury Casino will cost you roughly $220 if you are looking less than two weeks ahead-which is fairly of high-quality for a five star hotel. (King, 1997, p. 101) v) Supplier Power This is a reflect icon of the buyer power. As an end result, the examination of supplier power characteristically focuses primary on the relative size and attention of suppliers comparative to commerce involvement in the inputs supplied. (Garling, 1991, p. 107) The aptitude to charge clientele different prices in line with differenced in the value fashioned for each of those buyers more often than not indicates that the bazaar is characterized by high dealer power and at the same occasion by low buyer power. (Kohen, 1995, p. 97) Brisbane hotel is an outstanding example to other main hotel markets in the steady preamble of new supply, as opposed to gesticulate of new-fangled hotel developments flooding the bazaar once the market conditions become encouraging. A slow but stable flow of new stockpile goes a long way towards sustainably increasing the market without causing occupancies and revenues to fall. (Cunill, 2006, p. 91) 2. External Stakeholders and Broad Environment External stakeholders These encompass real land agents, state visitor offices, developers, financiers, body business service providers, hotels with a strata title attention and administration human rights brokers. (Swaffer, 2002, p. 118) The assortment of community schemes is echoed in the range of lawmaking schemes that subsist across Australia. One of the basic differences across jurisdictions is the terms and lawful jargon used to explain key features in Brisbane hotel. This difficulty poses realistic problems for stakeholders in general and for practitioners who are required to function athwart state boundaries. (King, 1997, p. 117) Broad Environment This consists of four significant factors such as current social forces, global economic forces, global political forces and technological innovations. (Garling, 1991, p. 114) i) Current social forces Given that travel was a requirement for numerous workers at the turn of the century, it then follows that homosexuality action in countryside contexts and urban public spaces was inextricably associated. The features of superior population areas, clear in Brisbane hotel and larger local areas were also noticeable in lesser urban settlements. (Higham, 2005, p. 116) ii) Global economic forces Australia’s four principal city lodging markets enjoyed a record year of tenancy levels in 2007, with the outlook for 2008 being evenly as optimistic in spite of far from ideal national and worldwide market circumstances. (Kohen, 1995, p. 101) Australia Bureau of statistics (ABS) data released for the full year 2007 shows that for the initial time the internal city hotel bazaar of Brisbane has achieved tenancy levels over 80% averaged all through the year. This performance underscores Australia’s confrontation to the universal monetary slowdown as trade travel remains burly. High occupancies are also a side-effect of the capital boom, which is supporting Brisbane hotel markets as local centres for these resource-based state economies. (Addis, 2006, p. 122) With continuous expansion in accommodation demand, thanks to affluent economic environment and sturdy market essentials, Australia’s chief city markets of Brisbane will see occupancies linger high and proceeds increase. (Garling, 1991, p. 119) The majority multicultural cities are Melbourne and Sydney. Both cities are well-known for the diversity and quality of universal foods available in their many restaurants, and Melbourne particularly promoted itself as a hub for the arts therefore posing a threat for Brisbane hotel in Australia. (Jamieson, 2006, p. 134) iii) Technological innovations True commerce innovation does take place through a variety of mechanisms such as commerce strategy, organization practices, procedure alteration, and assets investment in new-fangled plant and equipment. To be familiar with this, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) by now has events of technological innovation. (Cunill, 2006, p. 103) iv) Global political forces The worldwide hotel business recorded optimistic growth in standard daily rate and proceeds per obtainable room for the month of July 2008; this is according to the statistics from Smith Travel Research (STR). Moreover, fashion hotels are an element of a speedy development in the market for lavishness recognized customer products. This was incorporated prior to the political situation that arose in Australia. (Higham, 2005, p. 121) 3. Factors that Influence the Sector’s demand and cost structures i) Technological innovation This has debatably been the leading factor in determining fiscal services of Brisbane hotel in the past two decades. Systems for dealing out, communicating and sturdy information are an indispensable element of the infrastructure sustaining fiscal activities. (Kohen, 1995, p. 112) Technology has connected markets around the globe and opened cross-border delivery of both wholesale and retail fiscal products. This has created a competitive advantage to Brisbane hotel in Australia. (Freeland, 1968, p. 119) ii) International Integration This has resulted prior to technological advances and as a result there has been a rising tendency towards international integration amongst financial markets. In numerous areas of the Australian bazaar, predominantly those connected with across-the-board funding, international markets have replaced home markets as the main source of finance. A result of globalization is that competition between fiscal service providers occurs internationally to a certain extent than at the state or local level. Globalization has spawned a production of institutional shareholders who control huge portfolios and have particular loyalty to products and state marketplace thus boosting Brisbane hotel financial status. (Swaffer, 2002, p. 125) iii) Changing customer needs Markets developments have also been fashioned by changing customer needs. In Australia, the most clear of these has been the enlargement of enforced superannuation and the accompanying enlargement in the finance administration business. This has resulted to Brisbane hotel modifying their products and services so as to satisfy the customer since the customer is the king. (Freeland, 1968, p. 121) iv) New Entrants These factors have encouraged new-fangled entrants and innovative ways of doing business. For instance, unlike a decade ago, hotels and construction societies are at present extremely aware of the competition that they face from securitizes. This has made Brisbane hotel and other industries formulate strategies of dealing with new entrants. (King, 1997, p. 126) 4. Strategic Issues facing Organizations in hotel sector i) Location Brisbane is a low-lying terrain mass positioned in a floodplain. Nevertheless, this has worked to the benefit of the hotel. Brisbane is located along the Brisbane River and is neighboring to the Great Dividing Range and the Moreton Bay. This has generated a lot of income since it serves as a tourist attraction base. (Garling, 1991, p. 122) ii) Climate Geologically, Brisbane hotel is situated contentedly in the State’s Southeast corner, at the oceanfront of the Pacific Ocean to the east. Because of this, it then follows that many inhabitants and vacationers from Melbourne and Sydney come over and expend winter in Brisbane thus boosting the hotel’s revenue. (Higham, 2005, p. 128) iii) Events and Festivals Several events and festivals have also boost up tourism in Brisbane hotel. For instance; Brisbane River Festival is usually held in the middle of September every year. In addition to this, Brisbane is becoming a well-liked sports destination in all of Australia and not just in Queensland. It has previously hosted the Commonwealth Games and Rugby World Cup and still hosted a number of events for the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games. This has generated a lot of income for the Brisbane hotel. Moreover, Brisbane is proposing to support and hold the 2024 Olympics. This will generate the country lots and lots of revenue. (Jamieson, 2006, p. 136) Conclusion The event trade in Australia continues to thrive and events are more and more viewed as vehicles for the facilitation of local growth. Regions may be fashioned for various reasons, counting economic purposes, and debatably such economic purpose will decide the most suitable set of local restrictions, the types of local organizations that will be established and the kinds of local policies and programs that will be implemented. Moreover, technological innovation, international integration, changing customer needs and new entrants have contributed towards the hotel formulating strategies in order to satisfy their customers and as a result Brisbane hotel has maintained a competitive edge thus earning profitable foreign exchange from the tourists.

Friday, November 8, 2019

How to Tell If a Student Is Cheating on Exam

How to Tell If a Student Is Cheating on Exam There’s a 95% chance that the person reading this right now is a student wondering how professors detect cheating. Let’s talk frankly, most students cheat at one point or another in college. Anonymous studies and surveys from universities far and wide say as much. This post isn’t about morality and it’s not supposed to be an ethics lesson. We’re going to talk about the 10 little things to keep in mind if you find yourself up against a wall and need to take drastic measures to ensure you success (it happens to the best of us!). 1. Lightening Speed Completion Unless you set the precedent early, don’t try to be the first person done with a test. Now, if you studied your ass off and just know the content like a boss, okay fine get it done with asap. Otherwise, try to either hand it in once most other people in class do or take up the entire time. There’s a fair amount of benefits to being the last person to hand in a test once you think about it. 2. CopyScape These days professors that deal with writing can easily have a subscription to services like CopyScape which will allow them to copy/paste your writing into a plagiarism checker that searches the entire web†¦If you want to copy someone, fine. Just make sure that you personalize the data and write it in such a way that it would pass CopyScape with at least 90% original content. Spinning is one thing. Outright copying is another. 3. Surveillance Technology You might want to look around the class room. These days surveillance technology comes cheaply. Universities can get tons of the stuff at really low rates. Are there any little cameras in the classroom that you can’t see? 4. Individual Greetings/Desk Shakedowns Don’t try and write things on your hands, arms, the underside of your cap, etc. Professors that suspect something will typically greet students in person, or hand them out directly to students to give them a quick shakedown. And, they’ll have already check desks beforehand and washed away anything they find written on them. If they don’t, the janitorial services likely will. 5. Attendance In-Class Behavior You may not think so, but in the smaller to moderate-sized classes professors get an idea of your behavior. Make sure it matches up with your grades. Like, if you barely show up to class, are always day-dreaming instead of writing notes or never look like you have an idea what’s going on and then get 98% on the exam†¦they might be inclined to suspect something. 6. Whispering Wandering Eyes Dude, seriously? Don’t freaking whisper with people during class and if someone whispers to you shoosh them without turning and looking at them. Professors can pick up whispering at 100 yards downwind so this isn’t a wise option. Some might just give you a stern look or stare in your direction for a few minutes while others have zero tolerance and will yank your exam away immediately. 7. Pleading Desperation and then Excellence Right so when the surprise exam was announced you nearly have a panic attack and fled from class screaming. Then you get a high score. A good enough reason to suspect something. 8. Bathroom Break? Unless you’re a gifted actor and can pull off one of the most epic potty dances of all time for the entire class to gawk at, avoid this method. Most professors won’t allow it and if they do and you end up being gone too long and acing the exam it will throw you into the shadows of doubt. 9. Irregular Unwarranted Performance This is pretty straightforward. So you’ve been getting consistent C’s and then magically out of nowhere you get 100% while everyone else averaged 75%. Hmm, does that seem suspect to you? Make sure you know whether a test is being graded on a scale or not, and NEVER be afraid to put a professor on the spot and ask, â€Å"What have your students typically averaged on this test?† If it’s one of those crazy impossible tests then you getting high abnormal and irregular scores will come off as unwarranted. 10. Identical Scores Seating Locations Weird, you and your best class buddy who sits directly in front of you got the same exact score. While on the one hand this could simply mean you study together outside class, the professor will probably think something’s up. They tend to pay attention to these things because they take their jobs in society seriously. As should you. Did we miss anything? Obviously there’s a whole lot more when it comes to technology. Leave a comment and let us know what kinds of thing professors are doing these days to weed out any cheating.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Microsoft From David to Goliath essays

Microsoft From David to Goliath essays The electronic computer has been around for over a half-century, but its ancestors have been around for 2000 years. From abacus to our modern souped up computer with the Intel Pentium III processor the computer has come an incredibly long way. One of the most significant events that would affect its development would be the teaming up of IBM and Microsoft to create a new operating system for the microcomputer. The synergy of these two corporations would change the way we compute today. The noteriety from this partnership would propell Microsoft into the forefront of sofware design and development and create an industry standard to be followed by all. In July of 1980 IBM, a $30 billion dollar giant in the computing industry, offered Microsoft Corporation, who at the time consisted of a staff 40 (Cashman, 1.37), the opportunity to design a new operating system for their new IBM personal computer. IBM had observed an increased market for the personal computer for quite some time eventhough they had already failed once trying to tap the market with their IBM 5100. IBM had considered several options regarding the development of their new personal computer including buying a little known computer game company named Atari. In the end, IBM decided that they would proceed with their plans to build a new computer line with a new operating system. On August 12th, 1981 IBM introduced a new computer called the IBM PC. The PC was short for personal computer making IBM responsible for the acronym PC (Inventors). Microsoft bought the rights to the another operating system called Q-DOS (Quick and Dirty Operating System) from Seattle Computer Products for $50,000 without the company ever knowing that it was for the behemoth IBM (Delany). Bill Gates of Microsoft would talk IBM into allowing his company to retain the rights to market...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Comparative of two countries police agencies Essay

Comparative of two countries police agencies - Essay Example Other theft 547,800 437 per 100,000 Total 944,084 4512 per 100,000 e- Political scandals or problems in the country's government AWB's wheat export to Iraq in Saddam Hussein's regime. f- Number of prisons or correctional institutions Prisons= 35 Correctional centers= 41 Juvenile prisons= 2 Remand prisons= 5 Detention Centers= 4 g- Rank structure for correctional officers CO-Correctional Officer SPO- Senior Prison Officer CPO- Chief Prison Officer G1-Governor Grade 1 G2-Governor Grade 2-Operations Manager G3-Governor Grade 3-Centre Manager h- Incarceration rate and number of persons incarcerated Incarceration rate: 163 per 100,000 Number of persons incarcerated: 25,790 i- Use of death penalty-number per year and method No death penalty in Australia j- Identify and discuss one or more significant challenges to the country's CJ system Equal rights to indigenous people in the criminal justice system k- Identify any terrorist groups or organizations active in the country selected Lashkar-e-Taiba, al-Qaeda and Jemaah Islamiah Based in foreign countries like Afghanistan and Pakistan but actively operating in Australia and alleged to be supporting terrorist training to the Australians and receiving heavy funding from Australia. There have been no...In particular, the rate of crime and imprisonment, death punishment and juvenile justice system are some of the features of the country's criminal justice system that make it distinct from many countries. Australia is also one of the countries with different crime and imprisonment rates as well as approaches towards death punishment and youth offence as compared to the United States. The country's juvenile justice system, in particular, is significantly different form the one prevailing in the United States. This essay identifies and elaborates various differences that are prevalent in the criminal justice system of Australia and the United States. It discusses from basic crime and imprisonment rates to distinct juvenile justice systems in both the countries. The criminal justice system of Australia and the United States are marked with significant differences. Despite the fact that both the countries belong to the realm of western world, yet there happen to be several aspects where the criminal justice system of the U.S. and Australia differ. In Australia there were a total of 45,201 sworn police officers in the year 2004-05 (Sworn police officers in Australia, 2006), whereas in the United States there were 673,146 sworn officers in the year 2005 (Full-time Law Enforcement Employees, 2005).

Friday, November 1, 2019

Emergency Plan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Emergency Plan - Research Paper Example Emergency management process helps an organization or a society to reduce or mitigate the effect of disaster or an emergency. Emergency management includes training, planning, inspecting, conducting drills and testing equipment. Facility co-ordination and community wide activities are other major components of emergency management processes. Emergency management consideration describes several major operational functions. These functions can be considered as emergency management elements. These are direction and control, communications, property protection, life safety, recovery and restoration, community outreach, and administration and logistics. This report will describe all the emergency management elements in terms of Richard Facility Management. Resource management, information analysis and decision making system in an emergency is referred as direction and control. The configuration of a specific direction and control system is contingent upon several factors. Richard Facility management has own emergency medical technicians, fire team and expert hazardous material team. The emergency management group of this facility management organization is responsible for the broad picture. This group manages and controls all the incident related activities. On the other hand, the incident commander monitors technical aspects of the desired responses. This emergency management group supports the incident commander through effective resource allocation process. The emergence management group of Richard facility Management organization is controlled by the emergency director. The emergency director of this organization holds the post of facility manager. The facility manager controls and commands all the aspects of several disasters or emergencies, such as fire, flood, tornado, workplace hazards and several critical accidents. Senior managers within the organization have the authority to

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Vietnam War Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Vietnam War - Term Paper Example The former imperialistic Roman Empire should serve as an example of how this cause and effect scenario plays out. A similar destiny awaits America if it refuses to stop repeating the rationalizations for military involvement that kept it in Vietnam for a decade. A result of justifications emanating from Cold War, anti-communism attitudes, Vietnam became the standard by which limitations of the American military can be measured. Following the U.S. victory over the Japanese in 1945, the U.S. and former Soviet Union became engaged in a politically ideological battle that enveloped much of the rest of the world, the Cold War. Communism was clearly America’s adversary and after the Soviets build the Berlin Wall and continued to dominate other Eastern European countries, which became known as ‘satellite’ nations of the Soviets, the U.S. decided to not allow communism to spread into far Southeast Asia for motivations that remain unclear. Though the U.S. used the atomic b omb in Asia less than 20 years earlier, it deployed thousands of troops to the jungles of Vietnam during the decade-long ‘police action’ despite pleas by some that ground troops were necessary only after ‘the bomb’ was dropped in a clean-up role. The fiasco of Vietnam instigated an anti-military response from the majority of American citizens which contributed to the Cold War’s end. ... isolationism at the ending of the 19th century to its status as the sole remaining superpower, has always been centered on the promotion and conservation of its own interests and ‘the advancement of civilization,’ the exercise of power to assert itself beyond the bounds of the American continents in ‘the interest of civilization and of humanity’ and its own selfish interests.† (Olney, 2004) This period of military re-evaluation lasted from the end of the Vietnam War in 1973 until the invasion of Iraq in March of 2003. The U.S. entered the Vietnam conflict to bring democracy to the oppressed indigenous population (the official reason) very optimistic of securing a quick victory. Unsurprisingly, the U.S. went into Vietnam War with somewhat of an arrogant attitude thinking that the North Vietnamese army would soon bow to the mighty American military machine and that South Vietnam would willingly accept and adjust to a westernized style system of governmen t. According to Henry Kissinger, former U.S. Secretary of State under President Nixon, America entered Vietnam with a â€Å"brash confidence in the universal applicability of America’s prescriptions.† (Kissinger,2003) The paradoxical epilogue to Vietnam was that America went into this bloody, horrifying and long-term war believing it would be the noble liberator of the South Vietnamese. The U.S. did this without appreciating the obvious fact that the South Vietnamese people had been fighting for liberation from a North Vietnamese government which represented the same imperialistic way of thinking as the American government. (Ignatieff, 2003) The U.S. failed in Vietnam not because it lacked military capability but because it did not understand the enemy. Although the U.S. marched in with a tremendous military

Monday, October 28, 2019

School bullying Essay Example for Free

School bullying Essay Bullying is the use of force or coercion to abuse or intimidate others. The behavior can be habitual and involve an imbalance of social or physical power. It can include verbal harassment or threat, physical assault or coercion and may be directed repeatedly towards particular victims, perhaps on grounds of race, religion, gender, sexuality, or ability.[2][3] The victim of bullying is sometimes referred to as a target.( Wikipedia), also according to bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Both kids who are bullied and who bully others may have serious, lasting problems , and another statement from bullying is intentional aggressive behavior. It can take the form of physical or verbal harassment and involves an imbalance of power (a group of children can gang up on a victim or someone who is physically bigger or more aggressive can intimidate someone else, for instance). Bullying happen in different places but according to Wikipedia Bullying is a common occurrence in most schools. According to the American Psychological Association, approximately 40% to 80% of school-age children experience bullying at some point during their school careers.[16] Regardless of the grade level, socioeconomic environment, gender, religion, or sexual orientation, bullying can happen to anyone. However, various studies point out that students from lower socio-economic backgrounds are more bullied than students from higher socio-economic background. Most children experience bullying at some point in their academic careers. The following is a list of statistics that illustrate the severity of bullying within classrooms:[16] * 20-40% of bullying victims actually report being bullied * 70% of middle school and high school students experience bullying in school * 7-12% of bullies are habitual and pose a serious threat * 23% of 9th graders have carried a weapon to school recent ly[18] * 5-15% of students are constantly bullied * 27% of students are bullied because of their refusal to engage in common sexual practices * 25% of students encourage bullying if not given proper education and support in anti-bullying techniques[15] Due to the low numbers of students who actually report incidents of bullying, teachers need to have a certain level of awareness that will thwart any potential problems. This awareness starts with understanding bullying. Bullying can happen in school, so it is the responsibility of students to protect their classmates and to show everyone the dignity and respect they would like to be treated with. The first line of defense in bullying is in student’s own behavior. But when that fails, it must be brought to the attention of someone in authority, like a teacher. The concept of someone in authority failing to address the problem is simply not acceptable. This is why you must speak to a teacher you trust and know will do something to stop the bullying. There are different kinds of bullying; one of those is verbal bullying. Verbal bullying mostly happen in schools. In many cases, verbal bullying is the province of girls. Girls are more subtle (and can be more devastating), in general, than boys. Girls use verbal bullying, as well as social exclusion techniques, to dominate others and show their superiority and power. However, there are also many boys with subtlety enough to use verbal techniques for domination, and who are practiced in using words when they want to avoid the trouble that can come with physically bullying someone else.( Examples of this are name calling, insults, teasing, and intimidation, homophobic or racist remark. In the Philippines, it is common to have a group of friends and teased those people who are isolated. One example that shows verbal bullying happens in schools is the news regarding the teacher who bullied her disabled students, the today shows reported the incident and the recorded tape said: Wilt, who did not respond to requests for an interview, can be heard on the recordings alongside Chaffins calling Cheyanne â€Å"lazy† and â€Å"dumb.† â€Å"Cheyanne, are you kidding me? Are you that damn dumb? You are that dumb?’’ Chaffins can be heard saying in one instance. â€Å"Oh my God. You are such a liar. You told me you don’t know. It’s no wonder you don’t have friends. No wonder nobody likes you because you lie, cheat.’’ On the other hand, the more serious and dreadful regarding the issue of bullying is the physical bullying, About 42 percent of kids have been bullied while online with one in four being verbally attacked more than once, 80% of the time, an argument with a bully will end up in a physical fight, 43% fear harassment in the bathroom at school. Physical bullying mostly happens between boys. It is usually their way of getting their anger out. Physical bullying can be pinching someone on the arm, to kicking someone in their stomach, and everything in between. Physical bullying is also stealing or destroying someone else’s property. According to, cyber-bullying is defined as: â€Å"when someone repeatedly makes fun of another person online, or repeatedly picks on another person through emails or text messages, or uses online forums and postings online intended to harm, damage, humiliate, or isolate another person whom they don’t like.† Online bullying, termed â€Å"cyber-bullying†, happens when teens use the internet, cell phones or other devices to send or post text or images intended to hurt or embarrass another person. Cyber-bullying researchers, Hinduja and Patchin define cyber-bullying as â€Å"willful and repeated harm inflicted through the medium of electronic text†, and recently updated the definition to account for cyber-bullying through internet that occurs without actual text, such as videos being uploaded from â€Å"You Tube† for example. In schools, bullying may take the form of repeated name-calling, physical abuse, and continually making fun of diff erences. In the workplace bullying may be characterized by harassment, scapegoating, name-calling, physical abuse, or unfair work pressures. Although people who bully exude a tough exterior, they are often motivated by insecurity, feelings of social rejection, lack of control, and stress. Stressors that can motivate a person to bully include poor academic or work performance, an unsupportive peer network, and strained parental relationships. Commonly, people who bully have been the victims of abuse and express their anger by directing it toward others. Bad behavior frequently gets more attention then good behavior; the need for attention may influence a person to act out and bully another individual. According to abs-cbn news site, In a study led by Plan International and Unicef on Violence Against Children in Public Schools in 2009, it revealed that 4 out of 10 children in Grades 1 to 3 and 7 out of 10 in both Grades 4 to 6 and high school have experienced some kind of violence in school. The study also said that verbal abuse is the most prevalent form of violence experienced by children at all school levels. This includes being shouted at and being cursed, ridiculed, teased or humiliated. It also revealed that children experience violence both from their peers in school and from school personnel. Reccie Oliveros, a volunteer for Volunteers International for Development, Education and Service of Young People and Women (VIDES), has for many years dealt with children who have been bullied as well as the bullies themselves. She said some signs that your child is being bullied are when he or she becomes iyakin, biglang tumatahimik, may fear sa mukha, ayaw ng manood ng mga violent shows. Yung iba ayaw ng pumasok sa school. Oliveros said parents should talk to their children who are victims of bullies. Tanungin ang anak, baka may nasabing di maganda, may nagawa na di sinasadya. Tapos kausapin ang teacher at tapos hikayatin sila na dalawin ang pamilya ng batang bully, she said. Oliveros said the bullies usually have problems at home like parents who are absent all the time. Insecure sila. Kulang sa atensiyon. Minsan nam-bubully pag walang pumapansin sa kanila, said Oliveros. Social factors also contributed in bullying, In two studies, McKown and colleagues had a total of 284 children, ages 4 to 16 years old, watch movie clips and look at photos before judging the emotions of the actors based on their facial expressions, tones of voice and body postures. Various social situations were also described and the children were questioned about appropriate responses. The results were then compared to parent/teacher accounts of the participants friendships and social behavior. Kids who had social problems also had problems in at least one of three different areas of nonverbal communication: reading nonverbal cues; understanding their social meaning; and coming up with options for resolving a social conflict. A child, for example, simply may not notice a persons scowl of impatience or understand what a tapped foot means. Or she may have trouble reconciling the desires of a friend with her own. It is important to try to pinpoint the area or areas in a childs defici ts and then build those up, McKown explained. When bullying continues and a school does not take action, the entire school climate can be affected. The environment can become one of fear and disrespect, hampering the ability of students to learn. Students may feel insecure and tend not to like school very well. When students don’t see the adults at school acting to prevent or intervene in bullying situations, they may feel that teachers and other school staff have little control over the students and don’t care what happens to them. The effects of bullying are so devastating and profound that over the last few years at least 37 state laws against bullying have been adopted. There have also been civil suits brought against schools and school systems over bullying incidents, some with damages in the millions of dollars. It is important to realize that, like sexual harassment and racial discrimination, some forms of bullying are illegal actions. Bullying is a serious issue that will impact the school experience of all children involved. This is why it must be taken seriously and effective measures to prevent it must b e put in place. Van der Kolk, McFarlane, and Weisaeth (2007) state, â€Å"Trauma in childhood can disrupt normal developmental processes. Because of their dependence on their caregivers, their incomplete biological development, and their immature concepts of themselves and their surroundings, children have unique patterns of reaction and needs for intervention.† Many of the children who are affected by traumatic stressors such as bullying can have their developmental processes and parts of their brains affected by the traumatic events (Ziegler, 2002). Many psychologist said that bullying is related to the person’s view of him/her self according to Tammy Wilgenbusch, a clinical psychologist with University of Iowa Childrens Hospital, said that at this age, children are developing their personalities and independence so they may be more likely to take their insecurities out on or try to wield power over others. By later adolescence, they have a better sense of self and are less likely to take insecurities out on others, Wilgenbusch said in a statement. Bullying is a negative or aggressive act that is systematic and ongoing that can be instigated by one person or a group of individuals, Wilgenbusch explained. Meanwhile if bullying can cause a stress and anxiety, it has a lot of tendency lead to suicide attempts. The statistics on bullying and suicide are alarming, suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people, resulting in about 4,400 deaths per year, according to the CDC. For every suicide among young people, there are at least 100 suicide attempts. Over 14 percent of high school students have considered suicide, and almost 7 percent have attempted it. Bully victims are between 2 to 9 times more likely to consider suicide than non-victims, according to studies by Yale University. According to statistics reported by ABC News, nearly 30 percent of students are either bullies or victims of bullying, and 160,000 kids stay home from school every day because of fear of bullying. The correct definition to this question is bullycide is suicide caused from the results of bullying. Children and teens who are bullied live in a constant state of fear and confusion in their lives. Many feel the only way to escape the rumors, insults, verbal abuse and terror is to take their own life. Bullycide is clearly a serious issue. Bullying has been a major topic since last year in mainstream media news and has become a problem everyone is taking awareness on — more than ever these days. Kids and teenagers are scared to talk about the issue they are facing. It even happens with high school students, where according to U.S. News studies done by the National Center for Education Statistics states that, only a quarter of high school students speak out on being bullied. There are various things that a parent or teacher can do to teach their children and their students about the effects of bullying. Information on the facilities and action that can be taken to educate the young can be found in the Scholastic article, â€Å"Bullying and Teasing: No Laughing Matter† that explains the issue to parents. From my own personal experience with bullying for nine years, victims are set to believe students/kids become bullies because of their insecurity and issues at home, which they cast on the victims; which usually turn out to be the school â€Å"underdogs.† From my own experience, I noticed that when victims, such as myself, approach a counselor or someone else for help in school, we hear the bullies are trying to take their own rage and aggression due to insecurity or personal problems at home out on the victims. Serious action and consequences however are not being taken by counselors, and/or deans until the situation of bullying goes to the extreme, forcing the school in jeopardy of getting a bad reputation for bullying. Even though the idea that, bullying is wrong can be taught through anti – bullying organizations, and advocates against bullying, we also have to realize there are problems that the perpetrator is facing and needs help with. Therefore, while helping the victim, the perpetrator should also be helped. With so much awareness on bullying by mainstream media news, there have been various organizations that have made it their mission to put an end to bullying. A couple of years ago, anti-bullying organizations, including STOMP OUT Bullying and Champions Against Bullying took a stand to bring awareness to this problem. However, the effects of bullying, like Ty’s case, has brought more awareness to this problem which is making organizations come together to teach the youth on why bullying is wrong. Therefore, and organization made up of 52 other organizations was created in April 2011 called â€Å"Be a STAR Alliance. Be a STAR Alliance was founded by the Creative Coalition and World Wresting Entertainment (WWE) to educate children on bullying. Even though some might take what WWE is doing as promoting bullying when they are doing their wrestling shows, they strongly continue to advertise what they do is being done in a safe environment by trained professionals and should not be done at home, school or anywhere else. Ironically, the WWE is promoting bullying through wrestling but they are doing this to entertain fans through wrestling not to promote bullying. As a victim of bullying, I have joined the Be a STAR Alliance organization and its partners to bring awareness on bullying as well as to end it. Be a STAR Alliance has a pledge they encourage members and others to take to put an end to bullying through their Public Service Announcements (PSA). The way to put an end to bullying is to educate young students who will form the next generation. If they get educated to not be a bully from their youth, then they will know how to show tolerance and respect to their friends, peers, and anyone they meet in their lifetime. That is exactly what the goal of the alliance is. Be a STAR stands for Show Tolerance and Respect; hence STAR is capitalized due to the value of the letters for this organization. At the same time, there are steps and help for both victims and perpetrators that need to be strictly enforced in a school environment. With bullying on the rise, more student, parents, and educators are encouraged to take a stand by organizations like Be a STAR alliance to put an end to bullying. Hopefully, with more people and organizations standing up to stop bullying, everyone can put their foot down to end this problem once and for all so the effects of bullying stops short of death or suicide for children, as in Ty Smalley’s case. Bullying behaviour is seen all over the world and almost in all sections of society. It might start at an age as early as preschool and might intensify in the transitional teenager years. There can be various reasons behind this kind of aggressive behaviour. Often the victim is shy and introvert and weak in built as compared to bully. On the other hand, bullying is a behaviour which does not necessarily demand a great built. A bully tries to attract the attention of others in a negative manner. It can be correlated with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Similarly children coming from aggressive or disturbed family background showcase the bullying behaviour. Sometimes bullies just gives around what they have been through as retaliation. The affected child is most of the times submissive and docile in nature. It is extremely hard to identify if the child is facing bullying at school or community. Generally the affected children don’t talk with their parents about the incidences. They are either too scared or feel embarrassed to admit such behaviour happening to them. But parents might notice a quite withdrawal of the children from daily situations. The kid may repeatedly complain of false aches and avoid going school. Frequent crying or getting upset often over trivial matters is also sign of bullying. Any kind of unexplained bruises or abnormal behaviour of the children must be checked and investigated thoroughly. On identifying the problem the foremost thing is to build confidence in the child. It is important to make him understand that he is listened to and his feelings are respected. Pay attention to each and every detail the child narrates. Sometimes it is hard to identify the gravity of the situation and any loose thread may lead to serious consequences. School authorities, or teachers, or counsellors at school may be approached regarding the matter. If necessary, parents of the bully can also be approached but it is always advisable to do so in front of counsellors only. Bullying is a serious matter and should be strongly dealt with. Even if the child has not yet faced any such situation it is important to explain him such prevalent behaviours in the society and ways to tackle it. If left unattended, this childhood problem can have serious effects on the personality of the child throughout his life. Recent shootings at various schools in US are thought to be an expression of physical bullying only. This is enough to explain the gravity of the situation and early remedial measures should be taken. Bullying is a serious problem that can dramatically affect the ability of students to progress academically and socially. A comprehensive intervention plan that involves all students, parents, and school staff is required to ensure that all students can learn in a safe and fear-free environment. â€Å"When people hurt you over and over, think of them like sand paper. They may scratch and hurt you a bit, but in the end, you end up polished and they end up useless.† ― Chris Colfer